SONGWRITER EVENTS - A Department of Songwriters Notes

Events from Dallas Songwriters Association about the craft and business of songwriting worldwide for all levels of songwriters whether as a tradesman or hobbyist.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Woodlands Songwriters Association Meeting

WSA is an organization offering an environment of support, information and creative inspiration to the songwriter hobbyist or to those wanting to advance to a more professional level, by providing opportunities to learn more about the craft and business of songwriting and to form creative partnerships and networking among fellow songwriters. WSA is open to anyone who wants to be a part of a network of songwriters of all levels. Meeting the 2nd Monday each month at Borders Books, Market Street, The Woodlands, TX, 7:00pm.
Next meeting Monday, Feb. 9th, 7:00pm at Borders Bookstore, Market Street, The Woodlands
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